Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Retardo - 14/04/09

Ok, so with an idea of what MUH is going to look like, I did some orthographic images, and got into maya.Im going to build the body first, and then add the clothes over the top. this is partially because i didn't have a final design for the costume in my head.

so in maya i started to build. I decided to try out a new method found in the book Game Character Development in Maya. I had never modeled a woman (well... a realistic one) before so i want sure how to achieve what i needed. The book came in handy with one pair of breasts, but took me some time trying to get my head round three! anyway, i like what i have done, hope you do too.


Saturday, 11 April 2009

Retardo - 11/04/09

How do?

Today has been spent sat in front of photoshop all day designing different elements for MUH's costume. still not 100% sure what we want, and thought this would be a good way to find out - create as many elements as you want all on different layers, and then swap around till you find something you like. good fun times!

So lets talk about the actual design for the costume. Pretty much she need some big, thigh-high high-heeled boots, a red corset/catsuit, a butterfly mask and big-volume-barbarella-style hair. I added some elements - fishnets and gloves. oh yeah, and they are three sets of breasts - not my idea, lol!

Soon will have an idea of what we want, and will be able to start building in maya. good fun times!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Retardo - 08/04/09

How do?

I have recently got a small job working with Nick Brown, a playwrite in London. The job is to create a short animation for the play, in which a lady super hero rescues a guy being beaten up. I figured i might aswell start a blog to chart progress through this project. At the moment we are still in the stages of design. The super lady - code name MUH, is quite difficult to design - She has 6 boobs, and i don't know how that would look. Anyway, i think i have some decent sketches for the body shape, she will be wearing a corset sort of thing, thigh high boot a cape and butterfly mask. here are some early designs. The ones i prefer are circled. The next step is to draw up orthographic views so i can start modelling.

For more of my work visit http://animalloz.deviantart.com/ http://www.youtube.com/animalloz

For more info on Nick Brown visit http://www.playwrightwhore.com/