Saturday, 25 July 2009

Retardo 25/07/09

Just a quick one today.

Danny, the main character, is finally designed and modelled. Quite happy with this one :) I just need to texture, blendshape and rig him, then I'll be onto building and texturing the set... and soon animation will begin!

We have decided upon the clean cut version, and will be chaning the t-shirt to the yellow Brazil shirt.

Here's the model as of yet. Click to enlarge!



Thursday, 23 July 2009

Retardo 23/07/09

Well then... This here is the animatic for the Retardo piece. This is the second revision (first one wasnt quite right at all!) but still, some of the movements, timings and angles are off, but at least I have something to aim for now.

I have to admit, I'm really looking forward to animating this, it looks like a fun piece. Just have to finalise the Danny character design, model, texture and rig it, and then build the set, and all should be fine and ready to go!

Anyway, hope you enjoy it!
